Declaration on digital accessibility
This accessibility statement applies to //
We endeavor to make our website or its mobile application accessible in accordance with the national legislation implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The technical requirements for accessibility are set out in the Barrier-free Information Technology Ordinance (BITV-Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung) 2.0.
When was the accessibility statement created?
This declaration was initially created on 01.07.2024 and is continuously revised.
How accessible is the website?
This website is partially accessible. The requirements of the BITV Barrier-free Information Technology Ordinance 2.0 are partially fulfilled.
Which areas are accessible according to the current BITV?
- Large font. The page display can be enlarged with the common browsers (e.g. Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera and Apple Safari) using "CTRL" and "+" for Windows and "cmd" and "+" for Apple and the corresponding symbol on the website.
- Small font. To reduce the size of the page display with the common browsers (e.g. Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera and Apple Safari), use "CTRL" and "-" on Windows and "cmd" and "-" on Apple.
- Reset the font size to 100 % using the icon on the website.
- Responsive conversion of the screen content. The contents of the window automatically adapt to the screen size of the device.
- Browser-side read-aloud function for texts
- Contrasting by means of a button for visually impaired visitors
- Subtitle function for videos
Which areas are partially accessible according to the current BITV?
- Documents and forms
- Tables
- Alternative texts
Which areas are not accessible according to the current BITV?
- Barrier: Control elements without alternative texts
- Barrier: Videos without subtitles
- Description: Videos with sound do not have the necessary subtitles
- Barrier: Not all PDF documents are accessible
- Description: New PDF documents should be created in an accessible version, older ones should be replaced with accessible versions
- Barrier: Structure of the content
- Description: Incorrect formatting of texts can have a negative impact on the reading flow
- Barrier: Words and sections in other languages are sometimes not labeled
Who can you contact if you have comments or questions about digital accessibility?
Have you noticed any shortcomings in the accessibility of our content? Then you are welcome to contact us. Please use the contact form below on our website.